Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's me again, Margaret!!

OK.  I haven't had a date in awhile, but you people are on me to post again.  So here I go.  What is bugging me today?  Not much, it is a holiday weekend.  Woo Hoo!!! So what is the significance of today's title?  Easy, if you are a fan of Ray Stevens.  Have you ever met the creepy guy.  You know the ones.  Before they even meet you for dinner, (you know when you are getting to know each other better on the phone or email) and they say things like, "I can't wait to ______ with you."  You can fill in the blank with almost anything and it will be creepy.  The only acceptable word(s) in the blank are "talk" or "meet."  Sadly, these are not the words you usually get.  Who in the heck do these guys think they are?  These are the men you see wanted on the news.  Really do you think those lines ever work on a lady?  If it does then that's no lady responding to those lines.  I also enjoy it when you tell them they are being inappropriate and they get angry.  Really?  You are going to say things like that and get mad when I say see ya?  What a jerk.  I also love the guys who profess love to you before you have had a chance to get to know him. 

So in the immortal words of Ray Stevens, "That's why they call him the creep."  If your not a fan, I recommend you listen to this song.  It is a classic. 

I know this blog is not as quippy as my others, my sense of humor will be back next time.  Have fun.