Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi.  Here is the deal.  I am 38 years old and I am looking for a husband.  This blog is dedicated to helping me describe the craziness that is my life as I search for a semi-perfect man.  Trust me there are some crazies out there. 

Let's start with storm trooper.  I met storm trooper through a dating web site.  We talked on the phone and he seemed relatively normal.  Boy was I wrong.  We met at a coffee shop and whoa....he showed up in a custom made storm trooper outfit.  There he was, head to toe molded white plastic.  Needless to say, my grandmother died, again that night.  (Let me explain, every time I go out with a guy, I have an emergency phone call 30 minutes into the date.  If it is a good date I ignore the phone.  IF it isn't going well, grandma dies, AGAIN.)  Grandma has died often in this quest for love. 

Next came man who didn't like to work.  I actually fell in love with this guy, but he refused to get a job.  After a year, we called it quits. 

Then came the toothless wonder.  I met him and he was lacking front teeth.  Now it is my opinion that if you are missing ANY body part, you should declare that early in the getting to know you process.  You should tell your prospective date BEFORE you go out.  I did have a complete date with him.  He was a nice guy, but a girl has to have standards.

Next came the healer.  The healer was interesting.  He believed in a higher power, but not in God or Jesus Christ.  Now I am not the most religious person in the world, but as a fine Southern Girl, you have to believe in God and Jesus.  Not believing in them is tantamount to not following the Dallas Cowboys!! It is unheard of. 

There were many dates in between all of these men.  But the above men are just highlights of the past 2 years of my dating life.  Now I have started this blog and more details will follow. 

Thanks for reading.

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